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Discover art. End Homelessness. Find Art Doors.

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." -Walt Disney

The reason we wander is to open new doors, to be curious and to learn new things.

On our Wandering list these past few weeks was to go in search of these artful doors, while in the process having some great conversations as a family about homelessness and ways we and the community can help.

Virginia Supportive Housing and Art on Wheels invite you to join the quest to Find Art Doors. From public parks to favorite landmarks, you’ll discover art while rediscovering Richmond. For your summer fun, they created a “quest” to find all 40 of the doors! Post photos of the doors to Instagram (#findartdoors) and you can win great prizes, too. Late this summer, they will start unveiling clues to lead you to Find Art Door’s Hidden Door! The first person to find and post a photo of this door to Instagram with #FindArtDoors and #HiddenDoorRVA will win a prize. Stay tuned.

The 40 doors were upcycled from a renovation of a Virginia Supportive Housing apartment complex for formerly homeless individuals. Click on for a map of approximate locations.

Kudos to Virginia Supportive Housing for bringing the subject into the spotlight in an engaging way, showcasing the terrific door artwork and compelling personal stories of formerly homeless people, while creating a fun way for people to get to know parks and places in Richmond in their quest to find art doors!

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